Educational Resources
Principia College is a university campus that aims to embody Christian Science Principles in their learning environment. They also have a boarding high school called Principia School.
The Mother Church website contains exhaustive resources on Christian Science.
Resources for Seniors and those with Special Needs
Riper Years is a collection of resources for senior Christian Scientists.
Twelve Acres is a Christian Science-based organization committed to assisting those with special needs.
Corinthian House is a retirement home organized by Christian Scientists and is located in Campbell, CA.
Resources for Community Involvement
CedarSCamps is a summer camp for Christian Scientists.
Discovery Bound is a four-year Christian Science and service learning based program in coordination with the National Leadership Council.
Resources for Financial Assistance
The Principle Foundation offers grants and sponsorships for Christian Scientists as well as humanitarian funding for those affected by natural disasters.
The Campership Fund offers financial assistance to attend Christian Science Camps.
The Albert Baker Fund offers financial aid and scholarships for college-bound students and professional training.
The Marlene F. Johnson Memorial Fund offers financial aid for creating a scholarly work on Christian Science literature.