
Our Sunday worship services, Wednesday evening testimony meetings, and Sunday School for children and teens are all open to the public. We broadcast our worship and testimony meetings via the audio player below. You can also connect with our Wednesday meetings via Zoom.

Thanksgiving Day Service
10:00 - 11:00 AM (U.S. Pacific)
November 28th, 2024
In-person, Zoom, or via audio on this page

Sunday Worship
10:00 - 11:00 AM (U.S. Pacific)
In-person or via audio on this page

Sunday School
10:00 - 11:00 AM (U.S. Pacific)
In-person, for young people up to 20

Wednesday Testimony Meetings
7:30 - 8:30 PM (U.S. Pacific)
In-person, Zoom, or audio player

We also have a childcare room for very young children.

The above player will have our topic and a triangular "Play" button about 5-10 minutes before each gathering begins. Select that button and audio should begin playing. If you don't see the Play button at the time expected, try reloading this page.
We make audio recordings of our Wednesday meetings. You can access our archive or Mixlr's recordings.

Sunday Church Services

(bold items welcome participation by all)HymnScriptural SelectionSilent PrayerLord’s Prayer with spiritual interpretationHymnNoticesSoloExplanatory NoteSubject of the Lesson-SermonGolden TextResponsive Reading - Readers & congregationLesson-SermonCollection - music, donateHymnThe Scientific Statement of Being and its correlative scripture (I John 3:1-3)Benediction

Wednesday Meetings

(bold items welcome participation by all)HymnReadings from the Bible and Science and HealthSilent prayerThe Lord’s PrayerHymnNoticesExperiences, testimonies, and remarks on Christian Science (email)Hymn

We look forward to seeing you in-person or via Zoom at a Wednesday testimony meeting.